only readers of a certain age
and a certain televisual persuasion
will understand the relevance of that. . .
if you do,
I hope it brings a smile to your face
(but can I just add for the record that I never liked Leslie Judd?
there's only ever been one true Blue Peter girl:
the marvellous Valerie Singleton)
but this
is what it should really
all be about. . .
. . .isn't?
mel you'll have to ask Himself about Blue Peter
I'm guessing he was a John Noakes, Peter Purves and Valerie Singleton boy. . . unless he is really really really really old!!! (or - *shudders* - unless he watched Magpie on the commercial channel that my parents didn't tell us about)
Peter Purves gave the speech at our high school's prizegiving a couple of years ago. But I liked John Noakes best because he was more amusing.
Oh, I recall asking about this another time--and here I am admitting I've forgotten? LOL Good enough reason to ask himself again.
We have a holiday page!
How cool is that?!
Lovely song, tyvm.
welcome Z and mel!!
I always preferred John Noakes, he was more fun and Peter Purves seemed a little like the stooge. . .
Is there a holiday clue corner?
Oh, heck..I was gonna say World Peace.
What a festive little place you've created!
John Noakes!
I only watched Blue Peter 'cos Our John was from my hometown of Halifax.Happy Times.
hi tony! that's as good a reason as any. . .
g just you wait hon, it gets better and better, tho I say it myself (I'm sitting on my hands here, so as not to be tempted to open all the windows all at once!)
shot sweetie - what is it you don't understand?
I have a confession to make! I stole (ie cutNPasted) your ♫♪♫♪.!!!!!
Thanks For Your reading advise.No.I havnt read.I visit my Library tommorrow!
Regards+Best Wishes,
tony what goes around comes around, I probably cut'n'pasted it from someone else in the first place!
it's a good book, the second one isn't so amusing
Blue Peter? Leslie Judd? Valerie Singleton?
I'll just enjoy the music (which lead me to rediscover "We Are The World" and "We're Stars".
If I recall correctly, those efforts along with Live-Aid solved the world hunger problem in it's entirety, yes?
I mean, otherwise, why would those selfsame musical celebs be driving round in one of their 5 Bentleys to their summer home in the Camen Islands, right?
Apologies to you and all. A bit too negative of me, I'm afraid.
Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.
Blue Peter
a children's television show from a truly British childhood
shown on the good old British Broadcasting Company's first channel BBC1 (not the commercial channel!)(there were only three channels in those days)(the other was BBC2)
five o'clock, twice a week
those three were almost the original presenters, replaced in time by other presenters; we all grew up and grew out of Blue Peter in time
but if you were a viewer, the memories are so wonderful (if a little cringe making!)
many a true blue Brit child dreamed of winning a Blue Peter badge. . . children lucky enough to have Barbie Dolls and Action Men made the bedrooms and accessories the presenters demonstrated out of carboard boxes and sticky back plastic. . . those of us who were petless loved the cats and dogs and the tortoise!
the show was designed for children of all backgrounds and perfectly pitched IMHO
and re the 80s pop stars - they did their bit
didn't they?
as we all do
don't we?
You're so young! When I was a child, there were only two channels. I don't actually remember ITV starting, but it was when I was a small child. I do remember our first television, which my parents bought a few months before I was born, to watch the Coronation. A huge cabinet with a tiny screen.
we only thought there were two - my parents didn't tell us about ITV until my brother came home from school one day slightly confused about something his friend said. . .
we had b/w for years - I can remember being about eight or nine and going to someone else's house to watch Princess Anne's wedding on their colour telly!!
I'm possibly younger than you, dear Z, but I'm quite old really!
ITV started in 1955 and BBC2 started in the mid-sixties, but only in some areas, we couldn't get it until about 1967. Mind you, when Channel 5 started up, we couldn't get a signal for that either!
I didn't know about ITV until I was ten or eleven
and even then we weren't actually allowed to watch it!
<--now knows what ITV is
You weren't allowed to watch television that showed commercials?!
Game shows and stupid stuff, himself says....LOL
Much like our television--all bazillion channels we now have...
And what's up with a 'television license'?!
Oh happy memories (though somewhat vague :) I remember ITV starting up and parents being very anti all that commercialism. But I got to watch Champion the Wonder Horse - no one could deny me that whatever channel it might have been on.
As for BP, I was a devoted viewer. Whoever was on, though Valerie was absolutely the best :)
Bother - wrong button again
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